This lovely urn is almost like a bride bouquet!
It was a gift from a very talented Japanese friend; Yukari Miyazaki
It is very tiny and delicat, and those white flowers in between are soo tiny!!!
The Luis Vuitton bag is a gift from Jose Gomez
A spanish bag and suitcase maker, specializing in copying Luis Vuitton.
He has their permission and blessing to do so, and are one of the few or non, outside the company equipped with their product catalogue!!!!
The hat box was one of the first really expensive items i purchased!
I love this statue made by Neil Carter
It's a copy of an unknown artist, she is called "Fisher woman with a basket"!!!
The necklace is made by Ursula Stürmer, purchased at The Kensington Dollhouse Festival some years ago. She has no website, but click on her name and the page from Birmingham Miniatura will give you her contact info.

This beautiful Art Nuveau lamp is made by Cilla,
All the lovely items below are from her clever hands!!!