Bonjour, mon nom est Chanel! Aujourd'hui, j'ai reçu ce cœur de chocolat de quelqu'un qui m'est si chère, mon cher Philippe!"
My name is Chanel!
Today I received this chocolate heart from someone so dear to me, my darling Philippe!!
Today I received this chocolate heart from someone so dear to me, my darling Philippe!!
I haven´t heard from Philippe for a long time, and this was such a surprise. I had to take a seat in the hallway and just admire the beautiful box filled with delicious chocolate! I noticed it was purchased from Sarah Maloney` Dollhouse Kitchen Miniatures. Ahh Philippe always had such a good taste!!!
Speaking of good taste; I really like my new purchases from, the mirror, the bust and the bowl with a stand.
And I who did not even imagine that he was in France, and now he´s here, in Paris!!
I even went to Ladurée yesterday, to by some chocolate for my self, never dreaming of receiving any Valentine gift!!!
I need to find his old love letters and read trough them, while I am having a cup of coffee and some chocolate!!!

The nice cake stand with chocolates and the cute little Eiffel tower are purchased at Paris Miniatures. Emma actually designed an Eiffel tower shaped chocolate for me!!

It will be so nice to read his romantic letters again, they are a real treasure to me!
And tonight I am meeting him again!!! Ahh.. about time I got my hair fixed!!!
But ohh...I need a new outfit, may be something from Coco.....
O´ I am so happy to meet my dear Philippe ! I am sure I will have a wonderful Valentine day and that is my hope for all of you too.
Happy Valentine day!
O 'Je suis si heureux de rencontrer mon cher Philippe! Je suis sûr que j'aurai un jour de Valentine merveilleux et ce n'est qu'un espoir pour vous tous aussi.
Bonne St Valentin!
Bonne St Valentin!
24 kommentarer:
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hope the 'meeting' goes well! The house looks beautiful and romantic. Is this our lady that had for so long her head under a turban? She looks very pretty!
Happy Valentine's day to her toooo.
Chère amie,
C'est vraiment magnifique!!! I love, love, love your miniature settings! Your pieces are like no other that I have seen here. There is such a reality in all of the fine details and your pictures are well lit. Thank you for discovering me so that I could enjoy your world!!! Oh, stay with me, I am getting my miniatures in order, so it will be a while, but I so enjoy your visits and your taste is superb.
Bisous, Anita
Lovely scene and every piece fits with the other.I think her date will be very romantic,she looks so nice,what kind of man can than resist:-)! Hugs,Jeannette
What a nice little story! The setting is superb, I really like your work.
Thank you for this very romantic and French story.
The scenes are really beautiful and you've got wonderful details.I love it.
I went to see the website of Minst and was glad to learn that they will be in Paris for the SIMP in June.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and Chanel.
It's a lovely scene ,i like so much all and details..the chocolate box,bag of laduree...alll
And the history is very romantic.
Happy S.Valentine's day!!
Søt liten historie;)og masse fine bilder. Happy valentine til deg og den lille dukken:)
Lovely photos!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Å ,for en herlig romantisk historie !Blir sittende å beundre alle de flotte og detaljerte tingene dine.
Ha en fine dag med dine kjære !
Happy valentine's day!
Chanel is so lucky to receive this wonderful gifts!
What a lovely story, and congratulations on your French:-)
Happy valentines to Chanel and Philippe!
Lucky girl! I'm sure she'll have a very romantic evening.
It will be a more romantc evening than mine...but I have lots of new goodies to play with !!! best wishes Rosanna
A happy and romantic meeting for Chanel, for the moment she is surrounded by beautiful miniatures in such a nice room.
Sinnove finally i know your French lady, is very beautiful and elegant in her gown ... The scene is very romantic, the Eiffel Tower is delicious ....
Beautifull!. Following his blog for some time and I love everything he does
Sorry, my English is very bad
Søt liten historie og flotte bilder! De sjokoladene så nydelige ut, jeg fikk lyst på sjokolade jeg også :-)
Håper du har hatt en fin Valentinsdag!
Oh - det var en verkligt romantisk
saga och en vacker inramning till
hela historien! Så många vackra
saker att titta på - habegäret
växer med varje bild man tittar på!
Eva J
Bonjour Synnoves!
Thank you for coming by my Cinderella dance post! Dance away dear friend! Anita
"Vil-tu être mon Valentin chère Chanel?
Bonjour, mon nom est Chanel!
Aujourd'hui, j'ai reçu ce coeur de chocolat de quelqu'un qui m'est si chère, ma chérie Philippe!"
"Veux-tu être ma Valentine chère Chanel?
Bonjour, mon nom est Chanel!
Aujourd'hui, j'ai reçu ce cœur de chocolat de quelqu'un qui m'est si chère, mon cher Philippe!"
Sorry for the bad french!!! I see what you mean;
There is quite a difference between a chocolate hart and a heart shaped box filled with chocolate!!! Ha ha!!!
Lucky Chanel, she has had a wonderful Valentine's day in her beautiful house!
Så flotte bilder! Masse eye-candy der :-). Alltid kjekt å se på alt det lekre du har!
Chanel is so lucky, such a lovely room. I hope she enjoys Philippe's letters too.
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