I am of course not done with the kitchen. It´s kind of too clean, it need to be more shabby!!
I made the niche around the window, but I have to make it look like it´s belong to the original wall, and I don´t have a sink that fits the space. Okay...I need to make one... or buy???? I don´t know yet, but it will probably take some time to decide, and get it done!
So enjoy what I have done so far;
The cute wall cabinet is made by Evelyne Fontaine at; /http://lescarnetsdelatelierblondie.blogspot.com/
I have made the picture extra big so the wonderful food from KIVA are more visible. She made the nectarines, the fish pai, tomatoes and the mushrooms!!! The food looks just great!
I´v got the nice wine bottle from Hanneke from Holland, she also sent with them a cute wine opener!
The rolling pin and the items hanging by the stove are purchased at the Italian fair; http://www.miniaturitalia.it/.
Some of the food items on the shelf are purchased at the same italian fair, the jars are from Country Treasures at; The Kensington Dollhouse fair

Notice the cute mouse on the toaster made by David Ward!
But does the kitchen look French at all? I know, I should have used tiles...but I made it several years ago now...and I did not know so much back then. But it´s a nice floor in it self!
31 kommentarer:
Absolutely charming and so real! It looks like I can walk in there and have wine and cheese by the kitchen table. Love everything!!!
Oh I want to move in right away! So many wonderful details, the mouse on the toaster is so cutely funny. Do you have contact details for Hanneke, I'd like to purchase some wine bottles. Also, where did you get those fabulous green chairs?
Just love visiting your blog :)
It is looking very good. But does the window come too low to put a sink under it?
Your kitchen looks so real that impresses as usual I love your minis.
A warm greeting, Sonia
I do not mind if looks French because it is WONDERFUL.
I love it.
All the details are absolutely great Really!! Looks real!!
What a delightful kitchen....I love all the details!!
You are like me...you like to make your house, but then you add wonderful items from miniaturists all over the world....I feel that it makes it so interesting that way! You have your own work , but it is also filled by the talents of others....it is BEAUTIFUL!!
I think it certainly has that...'je ne sais quois'...
Wonderfull Kitchen!!
I like so much, your stove is great very realist.
A lovely kitchen and yes,for me it has the french charme.Beautiful work by yourself and charming things which you have a collected.Is it lace in the door? Hugs,Jeannette
Synnove, it's beautiful!!!!! the food is gorgeous and theway you aranged everything is simply perfect !!! I love the door glass, the green chairs BTW where did you find them?), the colours....everything. Real eye candy for me. Thank you Rosanna
Jaaaaa det ser så franskt ut:) Superfint er det også. Så jeg har gledet meg til å se bilder fra kjøkkenet og jaggu infridde du også;)
Absolutely a gorgeous French kitchen any French housewife would be proud to own:)
Det är ett jättefint kök och jag
blev alldeles förtjust framför allt i fönsternischen och strukturen på väggen där! Så
läckert - och vinflaskan i korgen
och allt det andra också!
/Eva J
I love your work as usual. A very cosy room, you feel like sitting down at the table, or to look whats behind the inviting doors...
I am just blown away at how you can make everything in such a small scale look so authentic! I too want to move right in!
It certainly looks very French to me! I love the finish on the walls and the colour of the little chairs.
Sinnove hello!
first of all thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, I have done so much pleasure!
with regard to the kitchen I must admit that it is very beautiful! I really like how you have held out the stucco on the walls and I prefer it to the usual tiles, which makes cooking very rustic and welcoming, and indeed seems more Italian cuisine, with all the nice things on display! know that in Italy you eat much better than in France? Come and do the holidays here and you'll see! ah ah!
everything is nicely presented, but the piece that I like most is the door, very very nice!
It certainly has a French look, it is just the kind of kitchen I love. The arch around the window is a wonderful idea. I like the colour and all the details. You are right that a tiled floor would be nice, but your floor is nice too. Great work !
I am so pleased to see my wall cabinet in such a nice kitchen !!!
It is alway a pleasure to visit your blog, Your miniatures scenes are
"pleine de charme"
Thank you so much for all your very nice comments :)
I would like to invite you all to a pre- Christmas wine and cheese party at my french house!!!
Oh..I wish we all could shrink and visit each others wonderful miniature scenes!!!!!
Norma; I looked hard to find Hannekes details and could not!!! But I will find them!!!
Rosanna: The green chairs are from "The Dollhouse Emporium", I painted them green!
Jeanette; The "Lace" in the window is paper cut-
I wish all of you a Merry Christmas :)
Big Christmas-hug from Synnøve :)
Wonderful kitchen,very good details,I just love all you make,it's great!
Every time you show some pics of your wonderful French house,it is absolutely a treat for the eye!
I love it even when you say it is not complete yet...there are so many details,I simply can get enough of them!
It's just me AGAIN! Stopped by to admire some more and hoping if I knock at the door, somebody's there to open!
Kjempekoselig kjøkken! Så utrolig mange fine detaljer, og den totale "looken" er bare nydelig :-D
What a lovely work!!You have my official French approuval (is that a real word?!)
I would love my real kitchen to look like it!
It looks stunning to me Synnove!
Where did you get the gorgeous stove?
Helt fantastiskt kök som du skapat!
Det känns väldigt franskt tycker jag, med alla fina detaljer. Jag bara älskar glasburkarna med inlagda grönsakerna, så vinflaskan...det ser verkligen riktigt ut.
Väggen tycker jag är jättefin, med den strukturen.
Hälsningar Lena!
I wish you that you pass a Merry Christmas and a good year in company of your queridos.Un beings hug very strong Carmen
Helt topp Synnøve ,skikkelig franske fornemmelser på det kjøkkenet !!!
Kommer på oste partyet ,kanskje du kan ha det litt uti Januar ?? Reiser til Kina og jeg håper jeg kan finne meg noe mini dill dall der.Liker når jeg kan lage tingene selv.
Ønsker deg og dine en riktig God Jul og et Godt Nyttår!
Juleklem Janne
It's fantastic!!
Merry Christmas
All your blog is wonderful, I will often visit it.
HI, Happy New Year Synnove! I think it looks French, and the floor looks wonderful, the color is just perfect for the French house. :) Lovely details you have in this room.
la cocina autentica de otros tiempos con un encanto inigualable.
Me ha encantado.
Un abrazo
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