Books are popular to make these days, and I am working on my version of them.
These old looking books are typically french, and I have seen a lot of pictures with
books like this. I have only made these three books so far...it´s a rather time consuming thing to do! I am sewing two and two pages together, I then stitch 6 pieces together and then sew those together in the back. Dipping them in tea, gives them the old look. After giving them a good soak, gently squeeze the rest of the tea out of it. Place it in a tweezer, use the hairdryer to dry it, this will make the paper thicker. This wont dry it completely, it will dry overnight. Then it´s ready for placing the little label at the back of the miniature antique french book!
The lovely candlestick is made by Cilla ( Minst.com)
Those tiny and cute reading glasses with the leather box is made by a swedish lady ; Mette Möller (memdolls, no website, but e-mail Cilla about her!)
The figurine was purchased in Antibes, and the magnifying glass...I don´t remember!

This is a new book cabinet I assembled this summer ( I might rip of the doors though) It is going to be filled with books of course, hopefully a lot of the "antique" books! But like Sabihas wine cellar....it´s going to take some time, hopefully not too many years! The bookcabinet is going into the living room, the picture is taken in the small hallway at the back of the dining room.
The wonderful bird is made by Cilla at Minst.com
Placed on the open book at the little table is the lovely gift from Linda. She gave me a packet of her wonderful tiny "lettres d´amour!
This picture has ben my source of inspiration:

15 kommentarer:
Sometimes I wonder if our true houses are as beautiful as minis. Mine is not ! I love mini making , it's gratifying and I love looking in to other people's houses as well. You always give me the right feeling, and you have certainly got the atmosphere.Hugs Rosanna
Det var också en mycket vacker
ljusstake - ja det andra var också fint, och böckerna är ju väldigt
effektfulla i miljön! Jag kanske
lånar den idén om det är ok?
/Eva J
Such a lovely collection of pieces...this is exactly what I was saying on my blog about the detail....it is all the pretty little details that make a room interesting....your is so enjoyable to view, your work is very calming, it doesn't make me feel hurried and rushed...hope you understand what a mean?! A beautiful room, can't wait to see more!
Linda x
What a lovely setting, as usual...and how crazy-in a good way- to actually sew the books!!!Vrey pressive!
Hei Synnøve
Aååå det var flotte saker. Jeg kjenner en som gjerne bytter franske makroner mot antikke bøker;) Kan du gjette hvem det er tro:)
Your books are fantastic Synnove, I love them. I have a lot of 1:1 old books that look just like that!
The cabinet looks wonderful, I love visiting your French house.
Such beautifully rustic books! Love them!
Your books look really like some old ones (real size) we have in the attic. The colour is perfect.
The little "statue" you bought in Antibes looks to me like a santon. These characters from Provence you put in the nativity scene at Christmas.
These are wonderful treasures!
The books are amazing and so much work to make them! knowing how you did it,it makes it more precious!
Once I made 2 magnifying glasses and a microscope (you can find it in older posts)the little glasses with box are amazing...love it very much,just like the rest of all the beautiful mini's you have!
These are wonderful treasures!
The books are amazing and so much work to make them! knowing how you did it,it makes it more precious!
Once I made 2 magnifying glasses and a microscope (you can find it in older posts)the little glasses with box are amazing...love it very much,just like the rest of all the beautiful mini's you have!
I love that cabinet! I also love that small table with drawers cabinet thingie! and like mentioned before; the details! amazing work!
Det vare bare lekre ting du har kjøpt og laget.Takk for linken ang baderomsmøblene.Må bare høre om det er noen som skal til Sverige,det koster 300 i gebyr for å bet i banken her hjemme.
I must say I admire your patience. To actuel sew the books together .... I can't wait to see more.
Thanks for your nice words on my blog.
I like your style also.
I will follow your blog also,your a very talented lady.
I love the old books you made,they look so real.
It's very nice too get in touch with so many mini lovers all over the world.
Have a nice weekend.
Lovely photos! I like those books you have made. Thanks about your comment in my blog. It must have taken time to write it in finnish. :) I´m flattered that you made the efford to do that, finnish really isn´t the easiest language. :)
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